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Concrete Babylon - Project Announcement

The wish of making a feature film has been with me for several years but I have always had too big fear of failing, because of lack of knowledge, lack of skill or of finance or because of some other excuse, that I've never tried to fulfill my wish. I only spent my time trying to educate myself and "waited for the time to be right". But theoretical knowledge is only knowledge in theory until applied in practise and experienced, and waiting for the right time is waiting for something that never will happen since waiting never makes anything happen.

I've decided that now is the only right time for Concrete Babylon to happen.

I've started a sub-page for Concrete Babylon on this site where I will upload images and film-clips. I will also write updates for how Concrete Babylon is going here on the blog so that it'll be easier for those interested to keep updated.
Hopefully you will find Concrete Babylon interesting and enjoy the film when finished.

Thank you for taking your time,
Peter Hertzberg


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