Everyone wants to succeed, no matter what they pursue, but the secret to success doesn't lie in the how much you want to succeed, it lies in how hard you are willing to work for the success. You will never change where you are by continue doing what got you there. You must be willing to sacrifice your comforts and do what the people around you aren't willing to do. This is all common sense. Yet there always seems to be something holding us back.
For the previous parts in the story rules series: Story Rules Part 1: Kill Your Ego Story Rules Part 2: Don't Reinvent the Wheel Story Rules Part 3: Story Is Character & Character Is Story Story Rules Part 4: Lacuna - Create Space the Audience People often confuse lack of clarity and being hard to understand with being deep and intellectual. Nothing is further from the truth. If you have a message that you want to communicate, you need to make yourself understood. To make yourself understood you first need to make your audience want to listen. To make your audience want to listen you need to make it clear for them what they have to gain by listening to you. Remember that your audience never owes you anything. They have already invested either time or money or both to listen to you. If you don't repay their investment it is your own fault if they get bored and don't want to listen.